The winery

To understand a place, a history, you have to know its past and its beginnings. This winery began to be conceived in the year 2000 when the Masaveu family acquired a farm on the outskirts of Olite/Erriberri, in Navarra.

Today on these lands there are 150 hectares of vineyards with different varieties of grapes (tempranillo, Graciano, Garnacha, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah) and 14,000 m2 of facilities.


Traditional production together with good and excellent raw material and the realization of vinifications differentiated by varieties and plots, allows Pagos de Araiz to create complex and balanced wines.

We base ourselves on the tradition of a culture, on the wisdom of our ancestors and the knowledge that emanates from this land. We elaborate in the present without forgetting our roots, we take advantage of every experience of the past to innovate day by day always looking for our best version.

De todas las bodegas de Masaveu Bodegas, Pagos de Araiz es la más internacional, siendo merecedora en 2021 del Premio Alimenta Navarra en la categoría de Internacionalización.


Pagos de Araiz is the most creative and innovative project of Masaveu Bodegas since its foundation in 2003. It incorporates management and control systems both for the vineyards and for the production processes of their wines in the winery or the laboratory: vineyard control via satellite, weather stations, self-emptying steel tanks with automatic pumping over, temperature and humidity control, etc. that place it at the forefront of technology and allow it to make due respect for sustainability and the environment a reality.

Aprovechando el uso de la tecnología y la innovación, la bodega navarra viene realizando una fuerte apuesta por la sostenibilidad con el desarrollo de varios proyectos de investigación dirigidos a respetar y mejorar el ecosistema que rodea las labores vitivinícolas. En esta línea, Pagos de Araiz coordina el proyecto Oivina, que propone el desarrollo de un modelo predictivo para luchar contra el oídio.


This winery in Navarra maintains the Sustainable Wineries For Climate Protection seal, which certifies that it is an environmentally sustainable winery. This certification demonstrates your commitment to continuous improvement. In addition, it has ISO 14001:2015 certification, an international standard that demonstrates its commitment to sustainability and environmental awareness. The future of Pagos de Araiz inevitably passes through dreams. By dreaming how you want to become, you discover how to achieve it. They do not settle, they learn and evolve day by day, supporting each other, with their feet on the ground and their cups in the sky.


Masaveu Bodegas brings together the five companies in the wine sector of Corporación Masaveu: Bodegas Murua S.A., Bodegas Fillaboa S.A., Bodegas Leda S.L., Bodegas Pagos de Araiz S.A. and Pomaradas y Llagares de Sariego S.L., each one in a different part of our country and with very different wines, soils and souls.

In 1974, under the presidency of Don Pedro Masaveu Peterson, the Masaveu family made its first investment in this sector with “Bodegas Murua S.A”. Thus, the family continues in the footsteps of its predecessor, Don Federico Masaveu Rivell, who already owned vineyard plantations in the mid-19th century in Castellar del Vallés (Barcelona), where the family originated.

In its beginnings, Bodegas Murua S.A. It was acquired to make wine privately, the fruit of the family’s passion and its link with the wine world. With the death of Mr. Pedro Masaveu Peterson, the presidency is taken over by Mr. Elías Masaveu and Alonso del Campo, who decides to remodel the winery and promote it commercially with the level wines that were being produced.


It is in 1998 when the baton of the wineries is taken over by D. José Masaveu Herrero, who organizes, restructures and begins to professionalize the group of wineries. Once again, the passion and value that wine represents are what lead the Masaveu family to one of its members dedicating himself body and soul to the wineries to this day.

The wines produced by Masaveu Bodegas are known for being a benchmark of quality and an example of respect for the land. Although all the wines have their own style and a very marked personality, at Masaveu Bodegas, we try to ensure that they all share a common commitment: quality as a philosophy and standard of conduct applied to all areas and processes of the production cycle.

We are wine artisans, we make small productions. Murua 250,000, Fillaboa 200,000, Valverán 18,000, Pagos de Araiz 400,000 bottles and Leda 80,000 bottles. We do not believe in large productions, but we do believe in process control to ensure the best final result.

The elaboration from own vineyards and the effort to transmit in each bottle the personality of the terroir, connect each one of the projects that, distributed throughout the Spanish geography, make up a suggestive mosaic of varieties, colors, aromas and flavors.

Contact us

Experiment. Curious. Dare yourself.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us


Who treats your data: PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A. Camino de Araiz s/n Olite/Erriberri, 31390 – Navarra. | For what purpose: The answer to your request. | Why you can do it: Due to the existence of a legitimate interest in answering your request by having contacted us. | Who else accesses your data: Other Group wineries or MASAVEU BODEGAS, S.L. if your request could be satisfied by them in a more adequate way. | What rights do you have and where to request them: Access, rectification, deletion, opposition and limitation of treatment by writing to the Department. of attention of rights of the interested parties in c/ Cimadevilla 8, 33003 Oviedo (Asturias) or Presentation of a claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD). | How long the data is kept: They are deleted once your request has been addressed if no other type of relationship or interest has been derived from it.

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